I'm just about ready to scrapbook the last year of our lives. I needed to wrap up our wedding announcements and our thank-you cards (brought to you by Paper Source) and also a few other things (like screaming at the TV during One Tree Hill's season three finale) before I could kick start this wedding scrapbooking project. But, other than a few visits to Recollections and some print purchases from Shutterfly, I am basically at square one. Any tips? Suggestions? Must haves? Awesome Web sites that can basically tell me exactly how to create the most perfect scrapbook? Possibly a monetary donation?
In other news, I'm getting a tattoo (#2) soon. It'll be of a black-and-white butterfly, on the inside of my left heel. Pictures, of course, to come.
Also, my dad and little brother are coming to visit tomorrow for a short-but-sweet trip (they leave Saturday). I'm pretty excited, except now I have to clean my house. I wonder, when my dad walks into our little duplex—and is forced to step over dust bunnies and 18 piles of dirty laundry—if he'll be appeased by my saying: "But, Dad, see I couldn't clean because I was blogging."
Oh, and I think I have an in-grown fingernail because my right ring finger HURTS. And I'm about to start posting thoughts that don't include the letters in the top-right corner of the keypad—the keys that the right ring finger has to peck.
Then there's Texas. Oh sweet heavens. THREE DAYS? That's all the sunshine we get? Seriously? You hate me, don't you? You want me to be miserable and WORST OF ALL, you want my tan to fade? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? Apparently my threats mean NOTHING to you.
Oh, and since it's been AGES since I've posted a picture of my baby girl, here she is, thinking: Mama, please put down my squirrel. I know you're holding him up in the air to get me to look at the camera. BUT NEITHER HE NOR I FIND YOU THE LEAST BIT CHARMING: