I've been tagged for a handful of memes lately. And I want to do them all, I do. I like talking about myself (love shoes, dog thinks I'm a superhero, slight addiction to a petite detective by the name of Veronica Mars), but there's only so much you lovelies can take of me ranting about, well, only me. If I posted meme after meme, I fear your eyes would become permanently lodged in the back of your skull, because there would be eye rolling. I WOULD ENCOURAGE IT, EVEN.
So, my favorite color is purple. It's not as if you didn't know.
But I've noticed and appreciated and said "AWESOME!" right out loud when I see my blog name linked to. There may even be fist pumping, I can't lie. I can also assure you that I plan to do them, eventually. Just as soon as I pass along my blog awards and finish the laundry and vacuum and catch up on sleep and get my husband over this surgery hurdle and, also, bake a pumpkin pie that is only FOUR POINTS per slice. (I'm going to make Thanksgiving my bitch, I swear it.) I really do plan to get to them all. But I hope you don't hold it against me if when that may be is a bit indeterminable.
Speaking of points, yesterday was a long, exhausting, FOOT-SUFFERING day, and by the time I got home, at nearly 10PM, the day really couldn't have wrapped up any sooner. Unfortunately I was up until 2AM working and blog surfing. (You're wondering how on earth this is going to segue into points and you're kind of hoping I'll forget about the points, right, because I know how THRILLING blogs become when they talk only about the point values of every food on the planet. WHERE'S MY BLOG AWARD?) When I did finally get home, THIRTEEN HOURS after I had left, there was a package from Amazon waiting for me. It was from my sister-in-law (Mike's sister). It was a Weight Watchers cookbook (all recipes under 8 points a serving!). The note that came with the gift said that she'd been reading my blog and was proud of me and wanted to give me something to help me find balance.
Ric, I cried. You knew I would, though, right?
I try really hard to keep Mike's family off these posts because blogging is very odd and it's very hard to explain and where my mother has to love me, Mike's family doesn't. And I don't want to do anything (ANYTHING!) to make them uncomfortable. But, in short, I married into the greatest family I have ever known (apart from my own). Mike's mother (aside from my own) is the nicest human being I've ever met. Mike's parents have been happily married for more than 30 years and to say they inspire Mike and me is QUITE THE UNDERSTATEMENT. Mike's extended family is large and brimming with love and laughter. They are a normal family with normal flaws, but I don't love Mike despite the group he came from, I love him in large part because of the group he came from.
Mike's sister is grounded and calm and together and beautiful and smart and funny and she may or may not realize, but her older brother is more protective of her than any other person alive.
Richelle came to visit me a few years back, when Mike was out of town. While she was here she introduced me to someone I didn't know. She introduced me as her friend, not as her brother's girlfriend. And although I'm so fortunate, so lucky, so honored to have her as my sister-in-law, I'm even luckier to have her as my friend.
And just so you can see that genes, they are no myth, here ya go. And, another from our wedding day.
Thanks, Ric. I'm making broccoli and chicken pizza and chocolate angel food cake for dinner/dessert tonight!
I'm considering adding a recipe section to my sidebar. I need to figure out the logistics, but would you be interested? I'm also considering adding a section where I'll link to my favorite blog post of the day. Again, need someone to do it for me to figure it all out. But if it does work, I promise to only link to myself once a week. Fine, twice.