My mom helped us move into our new home last weekend and if I don't say it enough, my mother is a badass. She lifted/cleaned/packed more than I did and she did it willingly. In addition, she brought over some photo albums and my baby book, all of which provided quite a lot of entertainment before we had DVR last week. I've posted a handful of these pictures over here.
But the following two have to be shared right now, and I am laughing uncontrollably even as I type this. Mike has warned me none of you will find these pictures quite so knee-slappingly hilarious as I do, but I just can't resist. I MUST SHARE.
Look at us! (Me, top; Rachel, my older sister, bottom.) These were our Easter gifts one year: toothbrush/cup combos that we are obviously not pleased about. Can't you just hear me thinking (with that disgusted look on my face!), Now, really, what is this? This is NOT a My Little Pony! This isn't even one of my runner-up wish-list items! This doesn't even RESEMBLE a Rainbow Brite doll or a Pound Puppy. I hope they kept the stupid receipt.
My sister's look is much more burdened, beaten down by having to put on a brave face. I hoped and hoped and hoped for a Debbie Gibson T-shirt and they gave me this? A TOOTHBRUSH! I must look strong since Jennie just punched a hole in the wall with her combo cup.
I can almost guarantee that a few hours later we could be overheard, mumbling in our shared bedroom, "At least yours is pink! Mine is this hideous teal color!" "Well, you know what's not teal? A POUND PUPPY!"