Do you ever find yourself driving—to the grocery store (wait: do you say grocery store or supermarket?), the gas station, dinner, work—and a blog idea just hits you across the face? You jot down a little note in the notebook you keep in your purse and when you get home, you transfer jotted notes to computer keyboard and feel rather proud of yourself. I can go along like this for weeks: filled to the brim with post ideas, wondering if posting seven times in the same day would be considered obsessive. But there are other times—kind of like this entire month—when my life outside of the computer is just insane enough that when I do sit down to string coherent thoughts together, I usually have a minimal amount of energy and it's all I can do to sip on a glass of champagne and get through an entire One Tree Hill episode before falling asleep.
I suppose I should stop whining for a moment and ask how you are? How's work? Is it hot where you're at? It's EIGHTY-SIX degrees here, and although I was eager—downright ENTHUSIASTIC, actually—for the change in weather from stupid and cold to warm and sundress-worthy, it's also humid and sticky. It's warm enough to sit on a patio sipping a margarita but miserable enough to instantly sweat out the tequila. (No point in that! None!)
Time to poorly segue into some bad news. For any of my readers who have enjoyed The Bachelor lists I have been throwing at you each week (I think just my sister, right?), last night was unfortunate, wasn't it? Noelle didn't get a rose. I'm sort of not okay with that. I loved Noelle. Noelle was my favorite Bachelor contestant since Jen on Andrew Firestone's season. With Noelle gone, I'm just uninspired to continue recapping. (Why are you cheering?) Amanda's eyes have been seriously bugging me lately, I think Chelsea may be a lesbian and as someone recently reminded me, I was only hoping Matt would keep Shayne around this long so her exit from the show would be ridiculously fun to watch (I envisioned her ripping the flower out of her hair and throwing it at him), but now I'm rather afraid he's going to keep her ... for good. I am sure I'll watch the last two episodes (three if there is a Women Tell All), but I just don't think I can bring myself to guiltily enjoy the show like before. And this is a shame! If you can't guiltily enjoy horrible reality TV then what's the point of owning a DVR at all? There is none, I totally agree.
To wrap this up, I have a question to present you with. It's a TWO-PARTER, so basically you're doing more work around here than I am today. You deserve cookies, the lot of you. Anyway, if you were going to spend a little money on Amazon and you wanted to buy both a great cookbook (easy recipes! healthy too!) and a great workout video, which ones would you decide on? Links never hurt. I'm just saying. (And for the bonus question: I've heard good things about Nigella Lawson, but I can't remember where from. Do you have an opinion about her recipes?)
Now, let's all hope good things for tonight's American Idol episode. Carly, David (Cook, NOT Archuleta), Brooke, don't suck, all right? (David A., please do suck. I'm not a fan.)
Stara! The Dallas post is almost done! You're shocked, aren't you?