A few things before you grab your popcorn:
1) As soon as I started recording, Mike's phone rang. So for the entire minute-long video, you get to hear his conversation with his sister which I'm sorry about, but it's a nice conversation! They're not yelling or bickering! They actually get along quite well!
2) Excuse the dirty house. I still haven't cleaned up from the baby shower I threw for Crystal this past weekend. Ignore all the balloons and trash bags, see, I've been busy sleeping and debating with myself if I really need this sweater for BlogHer. I THINK I DO.
3) Molly usually goes in and out on her own, but when her parents are forcing her to perform, she responds to the "go outside" command. Honestly, if there's anyone you should feel sorry for in our home, it's her. Not me for putting up with all of Mike's horrible DVR decisions and not Mike for having to turn off the lights after me EVERY DAMN DAY but the dog.
Now, with all that said, here you are:
Untitled from shelikespurple on Vimeo.