Today has been shitty, my friends. There was nothing that specifically happened—other than starting off my morning with a fun-filled, bumper-to-bumper traffic jam—but it has just turned into the kind of day that makes me wish there was something strong waiting for me in a glass at home. Other than chocolate milk.
One thing I hate about being pregnant is that bad moods are almost always blamed on hormones, and when someone cuts you off in traffic and you bitch about it, your hormones must be all out of whack. Sure, the hormones may help the rage along, I'll give you that, but it's also a very real possibility that the fucktard in the BMW should have waited until he could merge at a time when it wouldn't be my sole responsibility to keep us both alive. And, yes, crying over my never-ending work load may seem like a very pregnant reaction, but I can remember plenty of times when my work load brought me to tears before. Sometimes I'd love to sport a (very large) shirt that reads: Not Because I'm Pregnant but Because You're Stupid.
Not you, of course. You're wonderful.
One thing that helps me calm down when I'm having a particularly crappy day—and it's no longer Twix bars, thank you very much ACID REFLUX—is browsing various different online retail stores—stores that no longer include, thank you very much belly that cannot be contained by normal sizing. Lately I've been perusing for the perfect gold necklace (something like this) and for new eye shadow colors (any brands/colors you recommend?) and for fancy file folders. I don't usually buy anything, but it calms me to know if we ever come into a ridiculous amount of money, I'll have a few items already bookmarked for efficiency.
Next up and totally unrelated, "Twilight" comes out this Friday, and I'm contemplating going to see it alone. But that's kind of pathetic, isn't it? Seeing a movie of the adult variety alone on a Sunday afternoon is one thing, but seeing a vampire-teenage love story on opening night is a completely different thing. See, I rationally know this, and yet I'm still desperately tempted to go.
Finally, thank you to everyone who urged me to get the dress the other day. Right before I purchased it myself—because you all were very convincing!—my mom offered to buy it for me as a Christmas gift. This came about the day after she FOLDED MY LAUNDRY FOR ME and brought over our stroller as a surprise. It's ... well ... it's wonderful, isn't it? Babies—and weddings, I found—do something very interesting for one's perspective. They bring into focus who is a Very Good Friend and who is just a Very Good Friend to Get Drunk With. Some friends can be both, sure, but it's nice to know who is there for you when you really need them. And, I've found, it's not always who you would have put your money on. One thing I can say with much certainty—and something I will say to our boy for his entire life—is my mother is someone you can always put your money on.
And just like that, my mood has lifted a bit.