First, thanks for all of your lovely suggestions on how to fill up my free time these last few weeks of baby-free living. I must say, whoever suggested lounging on the couch and watching as many back episodes of Top Chef as I could get my (slightly swollen) hands on was a total genius. Wait ... no one suggested that? Interesting as that's what I've been doing a lot of these days.
I did have to laugh at all the people who suggested "just relax!" and not because that isn't a perfect piece of advice for someone whose life is about to be knocked on its head, but because if you could see me most days, you'd assume I held some sort of degree or certification in relaxing. Now, my relaxing isn't necessarily enviable relaxing as I can't do anything (even lounge on the couch quietly lusting after Tom Colicchio and Sam from season two or wondering who dresses Padma and why no one has pulled that person aside for a little scolding) without being in some sort of pain, whether it be back pain or joint pain or groin pain or belly pain. In short, my stress level is anything but high these days even if my discomfort in simply existing at this particular weight and shape is crazy high.
I do plan to see as many movies as I possibly can -- something else a few of you smarties suggested -- and in an attempt to knock out all the award contenders I saw "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" over the weekend and have plans to see "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Revolutionary Road" in the next week or so. Although I liked "Benjamin Button" and thought it impossible for Cate Blanchett to look any more stunning, I didn't love it. You know, I don't know if it's just me -- and it's entirely possible it is just me -- but I haven't really loved a movie in some time. It's been more than a year, actually, since I left a theater and thought, Now THAT was worth the $10 ticket and $5 soda and insanely chatty woman who spent the entire two hours kicking my chair. Sure, I liked "Twilight" and I even enjoyed "Changeling" more than the average commenter on IMDB, but I love nothing more than when I leave a theater moved to immediately list a movie as a favorite on Facebook. And ... it's been far too long since I've seen such a film. So, in the name of de-lurking day*, what was the last movie you saw and couldn't have loved more? And if it was "Bride Wars" don't even bother, OK?
*Or, as Mike called it last year, "Don't be a lurker day!"