Sometimes I look back at my archives and think this site is one long, rambling love letter to Mike. I write about him a lot, and I wonder if there's really any more to say than what I've already said. Are there actual words I haven't used to describe him, to describe us? I'm not sure there are. I wrote this not even a year ago and it's dripping in sentimentality and cheesiness, yes, but every word is true. I want to direct everyone to this post when they ask about my husband as it's the best, truest thing I've ever put together and will I ever be able to top it? Probably not.
But here we are, celebrating five whole years together. And that's something.
From this in early 2004:
To this:
I could try and top everything I've already said. I could attempt to write something else about that redhead of mine, about the relationship we have, the relationship I'm so damn proud of I want to list it on my résumé, but I look at that second picture and am stunned silent. I am carrying that man's son, his boy, his child. After a lifetime of missing the mark in relationships, of compromising what I knew in my gut to be true, I found a man who I can stand up straight around and whose son I get to have. Until they create all new words in which to describe the coolness of that, I simply won't try. I'll just sit back and feel the indescribable feeling of the world being too good to be true. And I won't take even a breath of it for granted.
Five years. Forever more.
Technically our anniversary is tomorrow, but we have a fairly packed weekend and there may not be time for the Internet in between all the shopping and movies and napping we have planned. Also, Mike is getting the sickness I had last weekend and I won't be able to work up such sweet things to write about him after he has whined for 48 consecutive hours over needing juice and a back rub.