I was pretty convinced I had swine flu yesterday, and I strongly chastised myself for not writing up a will sooner, since I was obviously dying and have both a child and many pairs of shoes to think about.
Turns out, I have a sinus infection.
And a deep addiction to Dr. Google.
In addition to my entire family falling under the weather this week -- including my six-month-old son who totally deals with being sick and snotty and coughy far better than his stupid parents -- I got halfway to work this morning when Mike called to tell me the Jeep wouldn't start. And he couldn't find our jumper cables. Nothing like turning around mid-commute and zipping over to Auto-Zone at 8 a.m. to really start your day off right. On my way to work the second time, Mike called and said he got three tickets on his way to work. I laughed and told him we both needed a mulligan on this day. This week, maybe?
Additionally, our sparkling new LG dishwasher stopped cleaning our dishes, which is one of those pesky little things I require of my dishwasher. I'm hoping Bosch sends us a free one.
(I'm kidding.)
(Unless you're reading this Bosch. Kisses!)
Apparently my karma is a bit out of whack and I need to get it right before the dog starts throwing up or the stove explodes.
Here's my plan: give something away to one of you. How about a $20 Amazon gift card?
I like doing this every now and then anyway. It reminds me there are people actually reading this, and it lets me know who you are. It also lets me make someone a little happier, even if it's just with a silly little low-value gift card. Perhaps it'll also improve my karma and that'd be great as I like my car to start and my dishwasher to wash dishes.
I'll make this that much easier for you: who's on the top of your Freebie List? Or, hey, who is on the list at all?
I always like to know who people find attractive and why. I promise not to judge! Unless it's someone really weird.
For what it's worth, Eric Bana tops mine.