Well, my kid has figured out how to get from point A to point B without our assistance, shoot me now, but he's not exactly winning any Crawler of the Year awards either. I did manage to take this highly-annoying video (because of the commentary) of Kyle scooching across the floor over the weekend, to share with you. So, baby-proofing. Added to the to-do list!
Additionally, I took THIS video over the weekend, where I show off my $1 form of entertainment. Grab the nearest burp cloth and play Where's The Baby? Kyle loves this game and could play it for hours, and the only thing he loves more than draping a cloth over his own head is seeing you drape a cloth over yours. Oh, that just kills him! But, it's slightly harder to video.
When we're home, Kyle's usually not dressed. We live in Texas and until November, it's hot. Also, it limits the amount of laundry I have to do. Not that you need clarification on why my child is usually clad in nothing but a diaper, but there you have it. But to prove he does sometimes wear (stylish!) clothes, here's a shot of him in a newsboy hat I recently picked up.
I leave in three weeks for my California Adventure that will end with some much-needed girl time in Sacramento. A month after that, Mike and I are taking a weekend trip to Vegas. In November, I'm in NYC for work and I've just planned a trip back to school for a sorority reunion in October. That's a lot of weekends to be away from this kid, and I know it's not very cool of me to get all lump-in-my-throat anxious about leaving him -- especially since I'm a big ole advocate for getting time to yourself and away from your kids in order to be the best mother you can be -- but, damn, he's an awfully cute thing to leave at home, you know? Even if I'm just leaving him with his dad and not a pack of wolves. Although, I will say, his dad doesn't play the Where's The Baby? game nearly as well as I do.
Closing comments on this post later this week; winner to be picked through a very legitimate picking process (random number generator!) and announced this Friday. But, let me say, you all have very good taste in men (and women)! Especially Kerri, who loves Casey Affleck as much as I do, it seems, and Pickles & Dimes earns extra points for picking Mike Rowe, who's a big favorite in our Discovery-channel-loving house!