- Our Rumble With Atmos Energy. Our meter apparently got all wonky last month, so the Atmos Powers That Be had to estimate our last two bills. December: $35; January: $520. In short, Atmos Energy should never enter one of those Guess How Many Gumballs Are in The Jar contests.
- The Mystery of the Disappearing Tequila. We had a practically full bottle of tequila in our garage (what, that's not where YOU keep your tequila? strange) and now we don't, and apparently there is an alcohol-loving thief on the loose in small-town Texas. LOCK UP YOUR BOOZE.
- I tried Level 2 of the 30-Day Shred last night. And then I died.
- It's supposed to snow on Friday. I couldn't see my screen through my tears to finish that post.
- Style Lush is still kicking ass, taking names, but there's one little thing I didn't take into account when I launched the site: that I would never be able to afford 95% of the fantastic things featured, and that's really a shame.
- How Kyle strangely threw up on himself the other night, twice, without ever waking up. He just sat up (eyes closed), puked, let me wash him off and change him and then went back to bed (then repeated all that an hour later). He seemed fine the next day (and today). Why is parenting so effing strange (and gross, my god)?
- Life Unexpected, One Tree Hill, Friday Night Lights (or maybe I considered devoting an entire post to each)
- Mike is making Kyle's cake for his birthday party. I came home last night to an episode of Hoarders: Post-Baking Kitchens Edition.
- I'm putting together a video for Kyle's first birthday, and it's 1) HEARTBREAKING and 2) difficult as shit to sift through THOUSANDS, I AM NOT KIDDING, of photos. It's also hard to pick out songs to dub over the video that other bloggers haven't already used. Annoying.
- Are you going to BlogHer '10? I am! Show yourselves, so I can start memorizing faces now!