I may have mentioned The Blathering once or twice before. The Blathering being the awesome blogging meet-up event I went to this past fall in Sacramento. It was one of my 2009 highlights, and thankfully the ladies in charge are way more organized and talented than I am, since they already have a weekend and location carved out for The Blathering 2010 Edition. You should really hire these ladies if you're looking to get shit done. They get shit done and then they make a website and then they cook dinner. They're the kind of people I'd like to be when I grow up.
If you'd like to follow the happenings of this weekend, sign-up to attend yourself or just bookmark the site in case you're considering making the trip to CHICAGO! this fall, this is the website for you.
The Blathering's Official Website Because Maggie Kicks So Much Ass
There are like nine gazillion blog conferences around the country each year and they all appeal to the side of me that likes drink tickets and organized itineraries, but if you're looking for something a little different, a little more inclusive and laid back where you don't have to worry about drinking too much or what you're wearing, this is absolutely the trip for you.
There may also be line dancing in a gay bar. You just never know.