We had to take Kyle to the doctor on Friday (again, my god) because he had pinkeye and some bad allergies. The doctor looked through his file and then at us and said, "He has been here a LOT this month." Yep, he sure has and that about sums up our January: GROSS. Also: cold.
Huh, I wonder if one has to do with the other?
Our pipes froze and broke, our gas bill went through the roof (and then kept going, HA HA SHOOT ME), the temperature outside plummeted to 11 degrees at one point and we all suffered through with colds and pinkeye and ear infections and strep and HI FEBRUARY, BE NICE TO US, OK?
It's so easy to dismiss an entire month because of some low points, and seeing the silver lining of a few days in January is hard, folks. Especially that one day when it was 48 degrees in our house.
I lost eight pounds this month, through much better eating and regular workouts. I started a new role at work, which I'm thrilled about. (See!) I had a fun birthday party thrown for me. I went to the movies solo, and that was more fun than my 15 year old self would be comfortable admitting. I collaborated with this talented lady on an online book club that is 300+ members strong. I had an incredible date night with Mike for my birthday and our six-year anniversary. Kyle officially said his first word (ball!).
Life is good even when it's not, you know?
I'm excited for February, too. We're hosting Kyle's first birthday party this weekend, and Mike and I have a night-away trip planned for Valentine's and I'm kicking up my 5K training, too.
What are you excited about doing in February?