I put up a Valentine's Gift Guide (for the ladies) on Style Lush today, and I'd be ever-so appreciative if you'd link or re-tweet or forward along to all the people in your life who like buying you gifts. It took a little time and it's always nice to see the time-consuming posts get a little attention!
The True Blood cover has been chosen at my work blog. Seventy percent of readers is hard to argue with, even though I (personally) liked the cover-not-selected a little better. Apparently my genius is in the minority. Also, thanks for all the nice comments on my HERE'S WHAT I DO! post. Once I announce the winner of the free giveaway copy, I'll be offering everyone else a little something, so come back Friday.
Oh and because it's been a few days since I'm shared a picture of my nearly one-year-old son, here he is in all his growing-up glory.
Mike thinks he needs a hair cut before his party and apparently Mike also thinks it's fun to RILE ME UP AND MAKE ME STABBY, too, because YOU WILL NOT TOUCH THAT BABY'S HEAD SO HELP ME....