This is the third installment of The Question Game (part one, part two), and I think that officially makes it A Thing on this blog, which is fine by me. I'd be a professional question asker if I could be, no kidding. Anyway, this particular question is an extension from the Writer Round-up at Style Lush from last week, where I asked both writers and readers to share their favorite stateside vacation locations. There are so many fun, cool cities suggested over there, by the way, that it'd be a wonder if half our readers didn't book trips immediately after reading.
I suggested Austin because Texas was grossly unrepresented on the round-up, especially for being so damn big and for (usually) having such tolerable weather in the non-summer months, but it's also got great food and good people. Go there, if you ever get a chance. My gut reaction, though, was to say Lake Tahoe, and I only resisted because California was the opposite of Texas. It was so well-represented, I'm a little upset the California State Tourism Board didn't personally send me a thank-you note on letterpress stationary. I suppose I could have claimed Nevada for Tahoe, but I got married on the California side of the line, so I'm partial to Tahoe City. It's beautiful, no question about that, but it's also laid-back, inspiring and has incredible food and year-round fun activities.
(Lots of pictures here, here, here and here.)
(Shit, I was skinnier back then.)
So, what would you say? Although feel free to answer with any city, it's safe to assume that all the big ones are givens. Who doesn't enjoy at least some part of NYC or Chicago or San Francisco?
I'm dying to know, even though we've now covered travel pretty thoroughly around these parts. (I promise to ask a different kind of question next time.)