Hey, look at that, it's March!
I was emailing Elizabeth the other day, bitching about the shitty week I was having, and she said four words that made me love her all the more: February should be illegal. Now, my much-loved child was born in February (as was hers) but there's a reason this is the shortest month of the year. BECAUSE IT'S A BEATING I DON'T CARE WHAT WIKIPEDIA SAYS. The winter blahs morph into the winter I'm-going-to-scream-if-the-sun-doesn't-shine-soons. Also, immune systems start shutting down left and right, and I don't even blame them.
Even though March can be stupidly cold, too (remember how it snowed in Texas that one March?), it's also when we start seeing the bright, shiny light of spring. I have much to look forward to this month, too: I'm taking Kyle to meet his great-grandma for the first time, my first 5K, a few baby showers for good friends. (I love buying baby gifts; it's a sickness.)
But how was February, you ask?
For every virus or fever or 12 inches of snow, there was a kicking birthday party, a Valentine's trip and a happy, sunshine-filled baby, so it all balanced out even if the highs were very high and the lows were kick-you-in-the-crotch low. It wasn't quite as painful as January. (From now on, every month when our pipes don't burst is automatically a better month than January.)
I lost 4 pounds this month, which seems sort of pathetic and disappointing (2010 total: 12 pounds), but I'm not that discouraged. I have big plans for March, April and May, and I really do believe I'll welcome summer a much different weight than the same time last year.
This month, I'm not shopping, I'm not drinking and I'm not eating meat. In short: I've lost it, officially. 2010 is the year of challenging myself, apparently, and it feels good to know I'm capable of things, especially things that don't involve wine. I know I'm capable of wine-related things, as if you had any doubts. This month, I'm also going to work on laughing more often, not at Modern Family or Sarah Palin (too easy) but at myself when I get embarrassed or at my husband when I'd rather scowl and call him names or at traffic or bills or negative people who used to take up too much time in my head.
Finally, I'm going to try and run 25 collective miles this month. Then I can say I nearly ran a marathon. It just took me a month to do it.
What do you have planned for March?