March was a bitch. Albeit one of those bitches you can't help but love. Like Pink or Martha Stewart.
We got some news that bummed us out, but we're feeling confident (crazy?) that things will eventually be fine. Even if "fine" means living in denial. You do what you must. I also got a new writing gig at The Stir, and I love it. I LOVE IT IN ALL CAPS. (If you haven't added my posts' feed to your readers, you should.)
Style Lush continues to impress me. Case in point, I had lunch with Natalie (one of the SL writers) the other day, and afterward I thought: she's ridiculously stylish. And not just in the perfectly-put-together, hefty-price-tag-wearing way, but in the comfortable-in-her-own-skin way. She owns herself, that was clear, and helping you own who you are is my entire goal with the site. So, yes, I love it over there. Hopefully you do too.
We went meatless this month, and it was actually pretty doable if you're asking me. If you're asking Mike, it's a torture tactic the U.S. government should look into. He whined his way through the entire thing even though the entire thing was his idea. (That's a little peek into my life. Feel for me.) Every time I made something, he would say, "This would be better with a side of steak." But, we managed, and we're better for it, I believe that. We tried a lot of new things (some new things gave us food poisoning, ahem). We challenged ourselves. I like how that feels and hope to give up something again soon that I didn't think I could do without, but come to find out, I can. I can do a lot I didn't once think I could.
Like run a 5K. Man, that feat still makes me smile. I'm proud of myself, you should know. Doing things that make you feel like you can conquer the world or, more realistically, your life's to-do list? Yeah, that's not a bad way to go through life.
Then there's Kyle. Oh, you guys. He's the best. He's clapping and blowing kisses and he makes monster sounds when you say, "make your monster sounds!" And he can count to one (granted that's just pointing, but whatever), and he is becoming obsessed with books. We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear 97 times in a row, and I think he likes the blue horse best. He's still a shrimp who'd rather crawl all over the place than attempt to walk. Whatever you want, buds. You have your whole life to master walking. And when you crawl, you can see the ground better and the ground is where old pieces of English muffin live. He went through a pretty strong mommy phase this month and can I just say: IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME. He no longer wants his papa 24 hours a day, and it's nice to no longer have to constantly remind him why he should love me best. He also unloads the dishwasher and likes chocolate.
He's still the very best part of each and every month.
For April, I'm going to get creative with gift giving, and I can't wait to surprise friends and strangers with nice things, even if those nice things aren't things at all.
I'm also hosting a girl's dinner this month and we're going to an Art's Festival and I'm gearing up for my next 5K. I also hope to get a really tight grip on our budget and the state of our house. See, our house looks like a crazed elephant ran through it most of the time. And I hate that! Maybe we'll take a stab at this "spring cleaning" thing everyone talks about.
I'm also making crab cakes this month.
And since it's finally (FINALLY!) spring, we're going to get outside, go to the parks near our house, drive with the windows down and get eaten alive by mosquitoes. Texas is annoying year round, turns out.
So, spill it, what are you looking forward to in April?