April has come and gone, friends, and this month (aside from Croup, molars and taxes) was somewhat uneventful.
I'm doing these recaps to keep a handle on my to-do list for the year and to check in on my weight-loss and on Kyle, since I'm no longer writing him monthly letters.
So, my big goals this month were to keep my house cleaner and my budget ... budgetier? We did well! Although currently the house is teetering between "eh, not too bad" and "holy shit, is that a day-old pancake on your ottoman?" (technically like 18 hours but whatevs). But, still, we've done well with our housekeeping this month. Same with our budgeting.
I gave up chocolate in April and although I sort of abandoned ship this past week when Mike surprised me with 90-calorie Snickers ice cream bars, I didn't inhale any Easter candy, which was the whole point of going without.
Other than that, it's officially been 4 months since I kicked off my "new year, new ass" goal, and I'm down 23 pounds (as of this morning). So I'm a pound away from being half-way there. HALF WAY. WHOO. I had 48 pounds to lose on January 1st and now I have 25. It's slow going with bumps and set backs and days where I eat far too much cheese, but, wow, I'm getting there. I'll get there.
When I do get there, by the way, I'm throwing a party. You're all invited.
I'll run my second 5K this coming weekend, on Mother's Day. Mike will be at the finish line, with Kyle, and if you think that won't bring me to tears, you've never watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy with me. I cry every single week no matter how awful the show has become. (Why is Lexie blond? She looks ridiculous.)
I put exercise on the back-burner too often in April, but this past week I got my butt back in the gym and reminded myself that while I am very, very busy, I still manage to watch American Idol every single week. (Go Lee!) If I can work that show onto my priority list, I can work a 30-minute run onto it, as well.
And Kyle. Oh, Kyle. He's stubborn and frustrating and cutting molars apparently turns him into a demon character straight out a Buffy episode. He's not walking, but that doesn't stop him from climbing on and off the couch, climbing the stairs and scaling the walls. I'm only slightly exaggerating on that last part. He's talking, a little. He can say "outside" and "sock" and "dad" but not "mama." I won't comment what I think about all that.
But, guys. This kid is MIND-BLOWING in his awesomeness. He is hilarious and smart and sweet and can be reckless and brave or shy and reserved, depending on the situation. He loves to people watch, and while he's a plain maniac at home, he's observant and calm in public, watching, thinking, plotting his takeover.
Whenever you say "hello!" he puts whatever he's holding up to his ear, which is how he got cream cheese from his bagel in his hair the other morning. Oops! He dances now, but just by shaking his head back and forth when you say "dance! dance!" When you ask where his nose is, he shows you his ear but when you ask where Mama's nose is, he shows you my nose. It's hard to miss, I'll give him that.
He's perfect. He's everything. He's Kyle.
May is here and I'm excited about a lot this month: my Mother's Day plans with my own mom; my Mother's Day plans with a mimosa and my bed; possibly seeing a great friend who'll be visiting Texas; our third wedding anniversary; a work trip to both Boston and NYC, which will include meals with FOUR! fantastic bloggers (Jen, Metalia, Jonna, and Megan (the number of hugs will be absurd!)); and finally tackling that Week in the Life project I mentioned a while back.
It's going to be a good month. It's so far been a good year. And you're part of that goodness, you are. I'm so lucky to know you.
Happy May!