I love my husband. I love him more than I love shoes and bottomless mimosas and movie previews. He's fun and calm, and he's just the greatest man, he is.
You know all this, I know you do, but I wanted to lead with that.
I have a question for you. Especially if you work outside the home. (And this question is not about a workplace flexibility forum, you're welcome.) The question is: If you live with someone, how do you divide household chores between you and your spouse/boyfriend/partner/whoever this person may be?
I often I feel I do more around the house, and although Mike doesn't sit around watching Mythbusters telling me I've missed a spot all day long, I find myself getting steamed up about the imbalance at times.
I commute and pay the bills and give Kyle his baths and get us all fed and, yes, you mowed the lawn, LET ME ENGRAVE THIS TROPHY FOR YOU. Remind me, is asshat one word or two?
But, man, that's not fair to him. He does a lot. He does way more than a lot. He's as hands-on a dad as any I know, and he listens to me when I vent about blog drama. That's totally the sign of a good husband.
I sometimes think people don't talk very openly about marriage, especially not online. Not where there are search engines and archives. If you admit to a fight or an issue or a surprise in co-habitating (like, do all men leave their socks laying around or is that just mine?), someone out there will never forget.
But, I believe talking about this stuff, this normal, everyday, most-people-go-through-it stuff is what makes you a better spouse, a better person.
And if you know nothing else about me, you should know I want to be a better spouse, a better person. Every day I want to be better. He may not do the dishes, but he deserves that much from me.
So, I'm curious. How do you divide housework and, more importantly, how do you handle the (occasional/constant/whatever it is for you) imbalance of responsibilities? Voo-doo dolls? Drinking? Lots of put-upon sighing? Or do you act all adult-like and just clean the kitchen without complaint?