I think every day should be Mother's Day. Granted, I'd never get out of bed, would gain every single pound back I've lost over the last four months and would only see my child in passing as Mike handled all the parenting grunt work, but my DVR queue would be completely empty and, also, I'd be very well-rested.
Suffice it to say, Mother's Day (weekend) was nice.
Mimosas-in-the-morning-burgers-at-night-sleeping-in-a-lot nice. So nice, I'm on a serious calorie detox this week. And back in the gym this week like I'm being paid to be there.
(Sadly, I'm not.)
I hope your weekend was equally relaxing. You deserve it.
I also finally finished Avatar this weekend. I think I was officially the last person with a pulse who hadn't seen it. I hesitated for so long because I find James Cameron to be horrible and giving him a single dollar gets me all worked up (although, you should know me well enough by now to know I get worked up easily).
I'm also not the right market for 3D movies. If a movie requires an accessory to really enjoy it, I'd prefer that accessory to be a champagne flute or a pair of wedges.
But, I wrote a list of things I wanted to do in 2010 and one item is "see all the nominees for Best Picture."
So, I watched it, and I'll admit it was pretty good. Entertaining, definitely. Enjoyable, even. But, in the words of my husband: "I liked Iron Man better."
I'd recommend it to you for a Saturday night pick if it turns out you're really the last person on earth who hasn't watched it, but it definitely didn't change my life the way I was told it would. It did change my opinion of Sam Worthington, though.
Another season of The Amazing Race has come and gone and once again I'm reminded how much energy I invest in a reality show that doesn't consider me at all. My stomach hurt for an hour afterward because my team didn't win.
That's insane, I know.
What's more insane: I'm still not over Kevin losing last season's Top Chef.
I need more hobbies.
I've been thinking a lot about last week's post on dividing household responsibilities and also about what so many of you had to say in the comments of that post.
It got me thinking that I'd like to start a little marriage/family series here. That sounds kind of silly when I type it out, but bear with me.
Hillary said something great in a post of her own the other day: "I read some blogs that are all sunshine! rainbows! unicorns! happyhappyhappy! and I wonder how honest those bloggers are being."
Most of the time when I read those shiny blogs, the ones whose lives are well-decorated without a fight on the horizon, I simply make a mental note not to tell them about the time I actually screamed at Mike over a houseplant (should be noted: I was pregnant at the time).
It's not that I don't believe you can go through life and marriage without ever raising your voice or getting annoyed or arguing over silly things because I do! I actually believe far too much of what I read online! That's a whole other issue.
But, I think there's a way to speak of marriage and family in such a way that helps us all grow, even the people who may have it more figured out than most.
I don't think there's anything wrong with saying: I want to work on this, so I'm going to talk about it. Join me, if you'd like.
I also (usually, ha-ha) love hearing your points of view, your insight, your thoughts on a topic. It helps me see things in a new light.
So, I'd really enjoy talking here about things I think many relationships face: budgets, managing family time, managing time with friends, traveling, remembering to be polite to each other, reconciling decorating differences (tell me I'm not the only one who has fought over paint colors), how to argue effectively, ideas for honoring your marriage and celebrating your partner, dealing with in-laws, bedtime duties, giving gifts, date nights.
I really could go on and on. And I hope to, here, and I hope you'll read along and comment, too.
I'll never stop trying to be a better mother and wife, and I think in order to do that, I have to be able to talk openly and honestly about what I'm facing, what I'm overcoming and who I'm striving to be.
Stay tuned.
Also, I want these shoes.