We visited some family this past weekend and that visit included a trip to Sea World.
I used to pity families I'd see carrying three bags, a stroller, and a screeching baby around a steaming hot amusement park. Why would anyone pay for that kind of torture when you could stay home, not carry a thing, and lock the baby in a padded room?
I thought parents were insane.
Then, this weekend, a killer whale jumped out of the water mid-afternoon and my son started clapping, unprompted, before anyone else around us. It was instinctual, and it was amazing.
We had so much fun, I can't believe the same boy we hung out with all weekend was the same boy I was wringing my hands over last week.
It was hot and tiring, and Kyle didn't get a nap the whole day and my feet hurt and we paid $8 for a salad that was truly disgusting. And that was the cheapest part of the day.
And I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Parents really are insane.
I hope your weekend was as magical as ours.
(Here are more pictures from the weekend, but you must be a flickr friend to view.)