This month has been (and will continue to be until it's over) plain insane. I cram a lot into my days, my life, and that's kind of how I prefer it, but this month went from kinda busy to HOLY SHIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED pretty quickly. If I let it, this month will fly be without me even noticing, without me even taking one second to slow down and enjoy some truly enjoyable things.
The sunset in Portland.
Kyle and I having a dance party in our living room this past weekend.
Closing my laptop to finish a book.
Mike and I squeezing in a date night to see Eclipse this weekend and having an hour to kill before the movie started, so we people watched the time away. (While Mike drank the biggest blue raspberry slushie I've ever seen.)
Enjoying a nice German dinner with my mom.
Meeting bloggers in person and no longer worrying about those meet-ups beforehand.
Bloody Marys with one of my best friends.
Crawling into Cherie's guest bed at 10 pm, which is the earliest I've gone to bed all year, I'd bet.
Leaving the house to run some errands this past weekend and then having to turn around and go back because we forgot something. When we pulled into the drive no more than five minutes after first leaving, Kyle got SO FREAKING EXCITED to be home, screeching and laughing, like MAN, I LOVE THIS PLACE. Eh, he's a toddler, who knows what he was really thinking, but that's all I've ever wanted for him, to associate his home with happiness.
The incredibly kind ticket agent with Southwest Airlines. Good customer service is rare. I won't forget him anytime soon.
Snickers 90-calorie ice-cream bars. Delicious.
Top Chef nights with Mike.
Sitting outside The Four Graces winery, talking to Cherie about work and life and getting tan.
Mike letting me sleep in till 11 am this past Saturday. That man deserves things I can't talk about on this blog.
Our new baby nephew, who was born last week. We have so many boys in our family, it's unreal, but they're each such a perfect fit.
Life is spinning fast right now. But not too fast that I can't hold still when I need to.
I leave for San Diego Wednesday, and I look forward to standing still a little bit while I'm gone. If you're in the area, come visit my company at a meet-and-greet party this Saturday night at the House of Blues in downtown San Diego. (Click on the link for more details.)