First, a big thank you for all your kind words and emails yesterday. It seemed a little weird writing about at first, but you're never anything but supportive. It always means so much. Seriously, thanks.
If you've been following my sidebar list (because my to-do list should totally be a priority for you), you know I try to discover a new band or artist once a month. If you don't follow the list, well now you also know.
Anyway, no lie, all the musicians I've listed have come from one of two places: 1) Pandora or 2) CW shows, most likely One Tree Hill.
But have you discovered any great new music you'd like to tell me about?
Kyle's transitioning from the pre-toddler to toddler room at school and he's ... uh ... not handling it so well. He loves his current class and his teacher so much that I drop him off happy as can be, playing with his friends and waving goodbye, and I pick him up in the other room where he's hanging onto the window that separates the rooms SOBBING and POINTING, like get me the fuck where I belong people.
The teachers are all very reassuring that this is totally normal and he'll be fine in a couple weeks but. AH. MY HEART. IT HURTS.
I hate seeing him upset and, yeah, I hate paying for him to be so upset, especially when he was really thriving in his room. I understand he can't stay in the pre-toddler room forever, he's one of the oldest as it is, but maybe they could just move the teacher with him? Keep him in the same room and move all the other toddlers to him? That's not crazy or demanding or weird to request, right?
But, tell me, did your kids have a hard time transitioning rooms at their day care/pre-school?
I'm going to BlogHer next week. WILL I EVER STOP TRAVELING AND LEAVING MY CHILD WITH OTHER PEOPLE WHO LOVE HIM? It's also become so much harder to leave him now that he's older and fun and able to give me kisses and hugs goodbye. And punish me upon my return. Oh, hey, I'll just be over here preferring my dad to you, MOTHER.
Anyway, if you're going to be at BlogHer, please say hello. Here's a picture of me, so you know who to approach and hand a glass of champagne to.
I hope to meet you, all of you, and I also hope you'll swing by the small happy hour the Style Lush editors and writers are hosting.
We'll be in the Lobby Lounge of the Hilton Hotel at 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 7th.
(Feel free to also email me for my cell number, in case you'd like to meet up at any other point over the weekend.)
Randomly, any good books you've been reading? I'm on a reading kick. I haven't said that in three years.