1. You make the best peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches I've ever tasted. True story.
2. The way you look in ratty t-shirts and faded jeans.
3. You truly don't care what other people think of you unless those other people are your family and then you care a whole helluva lot.
4. You let me have a bite of whatever you're eating, even if you grumble about it.
5. You always drive, which warms this commuter's heart.
6. My blog is on your bookmark list even though you don't quite understand the appeal of spewing your feelings all across the internet.
7. You hold my hand.
8. You really, really, really like your son.
9. You can fix a busted pipe without the help of an expensive, professional plumber.
10. That one time we had $200 to our name and you gave $100 of it away to a friend in need. "He needed it more," you said. You never once asked for it back.
11. You are the best travel partner on the planet.
12. You sent me to Portland even when we couldn't afford it because you knew four days with Cherie would restore something missing in me.
13. You'll try any dish I make.
14. You put more Diet Dr. Pepper in the fridge when I forget to so they'll be cold for me in the morning.
15. You put up with my mega-social ways even though you'd usually rather crawl in bed and watch crappy shows about cars or sharks or the speed of light.
16. You know my blog friends' names and the names of their kids and when I say, "So, Jonna said something funny today," you 1) don't think it's weird, and 2) listen.
17. You still let me celebrate our dating anniversary because it means so much to me.
18. You like to mow the grass, which works out great since I hate to mow the grass.
19. That one time you left work to bring Kyle pjs on "wear pjs to school day" because I was afraid he'd be the only kid without them on. (Meaning, you appease the hell out of me.)
20. You let me plan crazy romantic date nights even though you're not crazy romantic.
21. You didn't call a divocre lawyer when you discovered how many shows I watch on the CW.
22. The first thing you said to me when I reached you after my walk down the aisle: "I love you, you look beautiful."
23. You let me name our son.
24. Your red hair. (If I were slightly crazier, I'd have ten more kids with you until one of them had that same lovely red hair.)
25. Your scar from your high school soccer incident.
26. You don't hold my father against me.
27. You let me sleep in most weekends.
28. That one time, on the mountains of Colorado.
29. Your Disney movie collection.
30. You encourage me to read, work out, write notes, be kind, work hard, really anything that makes me a happier, better, more grounded person. It shows real strength and security to want your wife/girlfriend/partner to fly as high as she can, and you absolutely want that for me.
31. You make me feel young because you'll forever be old(er than me).
32. You don't get (too) mad when I drink the last beer.
33. When you introduce me to people, you smile.
Take away the wedding bands and that cute baby of ours and all that debt we've accumulated together and then take away all those other legal obligations that motivate us to make this shit work out, and I still think you're the most decent guy I know.
I still think no one I know deserves a better birthday than you.
Happy 33rd birthday (on Sunday), Mike.