Jen L. asked "If you were to make me a mix tape of your all-time favorite songs, what would the first 5 tracks be?"
I'm not sure these are my five favorite songs, but they're the first I thought of, and I love them all, so much, in their own way.
(And I'm making this a take one, so I can potentially fill the tape up with subsequent posts.)
1. "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel. I used to sing this in the car when I was a little girl, at the top of my lungs, and no one ever told me to stop.
2. "18th Floor Balcony" by Blue October. This wasn't the first dance at our wedding, but it was the last. I listened to this song when Mike and I were fresh and new, coming off weeks of staying up all night, getting to know each other. I knew it could end -- plenty of good relationships do that -- and we both had all these plans that didn't include each other.
Falling in love tends to change a few plans.
3. "Sky Blue & Black" by Jackson Browne. My father and I have an up-and-down, ebbs-and-flows, interesting relationship. One that no longer makes me sad or disappointed. But it does make me reflective. This song makes me think of him.
4. "She Likes Purple" by Wideawake. Come on, how can I not give a little credit to this song. It inspired this space. Without this space, well, let's not even think about that.
5. "The World Spins Madly On" by The Weepies. This last pick was tough but this song just ... moves me. In a way few others do. It reminds me, every time I hear it, to live. Not to think about living or to talk about it but to actually do it.
What's on your mix tape?