Well, not here. This isn't Style Lush, after all, but for the last few nights I haven't been writing here because I've been editing our SUPER AWESOME GIFT GUIDE over there.
(I'm not the official talent or mastermind behind this guide. Elizabeth is, and she deserves so many bottles of champagne from me for putting this together, it's ridiculous.)
This guide is special because you can afford everything on it. Every single item is $25 or less. So these are real gifts for real gift buyers and they're all awesome, which helps.
I hope you'll love it as much as I do. If you want to spread the word about it, please do (no, really, do do do!), and you can also grab the code below and copy/paste that into your blog somewhere (anywhere!) and this cute badge will pop up and direct all your friends and family and internet stalkers to the post.
<a href="http://www.stylelushblog.com/2010/11/100-holiday-gift-ideas-for-25-dollars-or-less.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.shelikespurple.com/sl_holiday_badge.gif" ></a>
Happy, happy shopping friends.
Thanks, Elizabeth. (I know MY family thanks you since every gift I buy will be from this guide.)