So, last week I posted my wishlist because I like to not-so-subtly remind Mike and my mom that there are things I genuinely want so DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THE LISTS, PLEASE. But, also because it's fun to have all those links in one place for the day when I'm feeling spendy.
I didn't post that wishlist so you could get 20% off a pair of cowboy boots for yourself, but THAT'S HAPPENING, oh yes it is. The nice people at Langston's Western Wear and Ariat boots emailed after seeing that post and offered a coupon to all my readers for 20% off a pair of Ariat boots -- for the next couple days. (Coupon expires Friday.)
Just use the code shelikespurple at checkout.
I think if you're buying a pair of cowboy boots, you should just go ahead and buy a plane ticket to Texas and drink a margarita with me. Granted, that will turn out to be one expensive pair of boots, even with the nice discount. Worth it, though!
(Thanks folks at Ariat.)