We have a real tree!
I had to basically sign a contract promising Mike I would take care of stringing the lights, rogue needle duty, and daily watering myself. Basically everything you have to do to a real tree vs a fake one.
So far, so good.
Kyle's a big fan, too, but somehow he got it in his head that the lights are super hot. He walks around the tree going "hot! hot! HOT! HOT!" and he doesn't touch anything.
I give that 45 more seconds before the tree's on its side and all the ornaments are smashed up, but that just means for 45 more seconds it's Christmas-y around our house!
Now it's time to address the dozens of Christmas cards we're sending out. I'd task someone else with that but I'm far too controlling. There's a chance they'd turn out sloppy and then what will our friends and family think for the five seconds they notice the envelope before tossing it in the trash?