After the first week of the Biggest Blogging Loser weigh-in, the final amount of weight lost by the 100+ participants was......(insert here the deet-do-deet-do of numbers flickering around on the scale a la the real Biggest Loser).....394.6 pounds. One week ago, a group of people was carrying around nearly 400 pounds of weight that's now gone. I get goosebumps just typing that.
For my part, I've given up meat, alcohol, and sweets for the duration of the challenge. I think I've mentioned that before but it's worth repeating because, wow, right? Just reading that makes me want a tequila shot and a cupcake.
So far, not so bad, but it's only been a little over a week. I'll update you mid-February when I'm dreaming of doing bad things to a steak.
You know, one of my least favorite phrases in the English language is: "Oh, I could never do that." It doesn't matter what the blank is filled with because the truth is, yes, you could. You could do it. If you had to. If you wanted to. If you put your mind to it.
(Okay, so some things some people couldn't do. I probably couldn't play in the NFL or turn Tim Riggins' head, but you know what I mean.)
It's totally and completely fine to not want to do certain things, to have no interest whatsoever in running a mile or ridding your life of hamburgers or budgeting better or scaling a mountain, but you certainly could do any of those things if you wanted.
It's so much more empowering and healthy and inspiring to say, "I have no interest in that" or "I'd rather do something else" than "I could never do that." Give yourself some credit. Please.
I didn't realize this when I started the Biggest Blogging Loser -- I'm realizing it more and more as I watch Twitter for updates and see the weigh-ins trickle in -- but I think my ultimate goal with this whole thing is to rid an entire group of the phrase: "Oh, I could never do that."
400 pounds!
We did that.