So, once a week, around Friday night or so, I'm going to post a Biggest Blogging Loser update here, and I'll share the overall leaders, my own thoughts, and open the comments to all participants who want to do the same. There's been some interest in hearing more about the competition, so I think this might be a good way to share and build up a sense of community in our weight-loss goals, for those participating and even those not.
(Also, I'm numbering these based on the number of weigh-ins we've had -- to keep it semi-easy.)
First up: leaders!
Overall Leaders
Beth F.
Kelly C.
Whitney A.
Elizabeth F.
Jen B. (@jenbernardi)
Maggie B.
Mia B.
Caitlin H.
Angela F. (@Aferg22)
Annie T.
Next up, what's working for me:
Since I'm not eating sweets, meat, or drinking alcohol, and I'm also not eating frozen lunches this year, my diet's rather limited, but that's good -- at least for now -- as it takes the guess work out of things. I know I can't eat something, so I don't even bother considering it, you know?
Also, it's really helped me to keep tons of veggies and fruits in the fridge -- for snacks, easy salads, desserts (well, a nice compromise for dessert). I cut everything up on Sunday and it makes it easy for snacking. For dips: fat-free sour cream and hummus.
I've also been drinking a lot of sparkling water with lime. It's like my go-to craving buster because it tastes better than water but it's still, you know, water.
When it comes to exercise: I'm running and doing the 30-Day Shred. I'm tackling four miles this weekend! That exclamation point is a lie. I'm not nearly as excited as I am terrified. I haven't run that distance in a while.
Cravings and eating out have both been tough.
So, contestants or otherwise, what's working/not working for you this week?