The overall leaders for this week:
Jen B. (@jenbernardi)
Beth Fish
Amie M. (@Amie31)
Whitney A.
Elizabeth F.
Maggie B.
Jennie (me!)
Annie T.
Mia B.
Kate B. (@kbaxterk)
We're getting to the point in the competition when discouragement sets in. Someone's lost 8 pounds but they're not cracking the leader list and they feel badly about that. I wish I could show up at everyone's door and say, "No no no, you're fabulous. Top ten or not."
(So, everyone, imagine me doing and saying just that!)
But I understand, too.
I said in our support email chain just recently that if someone had knocked on each of our doors right before Christmas and asked, "would you like to be thinner, healthier, and happier at the end of March?" would any of us had said, "not unless I get $1500 for it." So, you have to look at your progress with a lot of pride, no matter where you rank.
It's still anyone's game, too!
This is also the point in the weight-loss game where the scale starts sloooooowing down because it's over the initial shock of sliding down the calorie scale from TOO MUCH ABORT ABORT to REASONABLE DIET.
Do you know how frustrating it can be to run and work-out and eat healthy and step on the scale only to see IT NOT MOVE? A helluva lot! And while rationally I think we all know this is a marathon not a sprint, this is a lifestyle change not an overnight (or overmonth) fix, it can still get hard in the day-to-day of it all.
One of the BBL participants (@HBapothecary) said something so smart recently in one of our emails: "Every day is one day further down a better road." I love this because it reminds me it's not about an end goal, really, it's about being healthier today, and if you make those healthy choices today eventually you'll just be healthy, you know?
(Although, crap, I could use a glass of champagne right about now.)