We threw Kyle a big, huge first birthday party last year and even though our small(ish) house was bursting at the seams and all the kids in attendance went stir-crazy five minutes after arriving, I'm glad we did. I have some incredible memories and photos and I got to live out my dream of purchasing an expensive, can-only-be-worn-once shirt on Etsy for the occasion.
We have a great house for parties as long as those parties fall in warm-weather months, and February is most definitely not a warm-weather month (even in Texas). And, with Kyle being in a class full of cute kids and more cousins being added to the mix since last year, our invite list has actually expanded. Our house just can't accommodate all those people.
There are so many other places we could have it, true, but it might stun you to hear some of the prices for our local rec center, the Little Gym, the Children's Museum. To be honest, I'd rather spend money on invitations and food and games than the building all those things are going to happen in.
So, we decided to have a family pizza party on his birthday and throw a big, outdoor park party in May or June.
I know all too well how this goes -- I have a cold-weather birthday myself -- and while I hate that we have to do this -- at least for now, in our current house -- I do think it's a nice compromise, made nicer by the fact that: HE WILL NOT REMEMBER A MOMENT OF IT.
Have any of you dealt with something similar?