Why, you ask? Well, just a couple days after coming home to this beautiful creation I won two tickets to the Cotton Bowl.
Now, how much could tickets to the Cotton Bowl really be, you might also be asking? A FUCKING LOT, turns out. $125 a piece, in fact. So, winning two tickets (plus a parking pass! plus tickets to a pre-game party!) was a very nice surprise indeed.
Made even better by my school playing in the game.
(Texas A&M, not LSU, which is only too bad if you like winning since we did not.)
Mike, super unfortunately, couldn't come to the game because he threw out his back last week (it's getting better!) so I called up my next in line (Natalie) and took her. Which is what led me to send this picture to Mike with the caption "miss you!" mid-game.
And he so sweetly texted back, "Send a pic of the field."
Which I did.
That's about the only eventful thing that happened this weekend other than a lot of laundry and a lot of dishes and a lot of sweeping and a lot of grocery shopping. .
Oh, it also snowed. I guess that's something.
(I know, not much snow but snow!)
Although I bet it's WAY MORE EXCITING to those of you who can't possibly believe it snows in Texas! The Land of Heat and Cows and Big Hair! But, it does. It gets cold and sometimes it snows but not often enough for people to act like normal human beings on the road.
Anyway, that sums up my (semi-lame, semi-awesome, nice-all-around) weekend. What about yours?