1. Having to wear socks.
2. Having to take off socks to get in the bath.
3. Having to wear shoes.
4. Not getting to wear shoes to bed.
5. Only getting three cookies vs 3,000.
6. Being picked up.
7. Being put down.
8. Not being picked up/put down fast enough.
9. The family dog looking in their direction.
10. Having to wear a jacket when it's 23 degrees outside.
11. Not getting to watch Cars a tenth time in three days.
12. When mom sings the ABCs instead of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
13. When mom sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star instead of the ABCs.
14. When blueberries are served intead of strawberries.
15. Being forced to go to school.
16. Being forced to leave school.
17. When the car keys are taken away because someone has to start the car.
18. When mommy doesn't make the traffic light turn green/red/yellow on demand.
19. When daddy doesn't materialize in the living room when he's requested even though daddy is at work and is not a wizard.
20. When juice is not handed over immediately even after sternly saying "NO JUICE" ten seconds prior.
21. When knifes are taken out of reach.
22. When the wrong Cars book is handed over even though all that was requested was "Cars book" and there are 25 to choose from.
23. When there are only three pacifiers in the crib instead of four or more.
24. When the blue blanket can't be found.
25. Being hugged/kissed/loved upon.