This is a very strange week indeed.
This past weekend, my car registered that it was 78 degrees outside. Mike and I talked about taking Kyle to the park, except he was recovering from a stomach virus, so we thought the front yard might be smarter. So, that's what we did. We took him out front and he ran around with his shirt off and pointed at birds and fell on his face but laughed it off, and then I went for a run and everything was just lovely.
As I type this, my office has officially declared a "snow day" because the temperatures are so low and the ice so thick on the roads that the state is conducting rolling blackouts in order to prevent a full statewide POWER APOCALYPSE and our server is therefore down and, no shit, it's 10 degrees outside, a nice few degrees above the overnight low, which I am not shitting you, was SIX DEGREES.
Now, Texas has a lot of silly stereotypes constantly swirling around about it and one is this: it's never cold here. Oh, it's often cold here during the winter. We have snow, we have ice, we have below-freezing temperatures, but not often enough for anyone to actually know what the hell to do about it. That means, the roads are never adequately sanded, the drivers are always in a state of panic, and the ups and downs of the temperatures leave the entire state with horrible allergies and colds and flus oh my!
So, anyway, it's a little strange here, with the whacky weather and when I sat down to write about a few other things (book club! weight-loss! healthy eating! movies!), this came out instead.
In fact, the perfect way to sum up the weather this week is this: my son would rather be outside than anywhere. He is fine when it's cold and even tries to peel off his jacket so he can play better and he's fine when it's so hot, the sweat is blinding him. Outside is preferable to ANYWHERE, but yesterday when I opened the front door to appease his OW-SIDE, OW-SIDE, OW-SIDE demands, he looked up at me and said, "cold, shut it."
Absolutely, son! Want to snuggle on the couch and watch Cars one more time?