Mike and I planned to celebrate my birthday in Austin at the beginning of this year, but he threw out his back a few days before we were supposed to head out of town, so we rescheduled. Then, Kyle got the flu or a virus or a mystery stomach bug (who can keep up with that kid!) the next weekend we were supposed to go. We shelved the whole thing until May, to celebrate our anniversary instead.
Then I received an email with a killer flight deal from DFW to Chicago. The deal was through a travel site with horrible customer reviews, though, and I just couldn't pull the trigger even though the deal was nearly too tempting to resist.
About ten minutes later, I thought, why not try United's website directly. I mean, it coudln't hurt to try, right? Well, the same deal was offered on the site, too!
So, I booked those tickets after a quick confirmation that Mike still had a pulse and would be fine with this change of plans and after asking my mom if she'd watch her adorable, can't-help-but-love-him grandson. She didn't need much convincing. She's a great Nana.
(Now, I don't like to talk numbers but these tickets were so unbelievably priced that we usually spend more a month on OUR WATER BILL.)
(Fine, I'll tell you: roundtrip, non-stop tickets were $49 a piece plus some taxes and fees.)
Then, my mom emailed to remind me that this particular weekend is Easter weekend. I .... wait .... what? First, I had no idea. Second, why does Easter get to be the only holiday that just falls wherever it feels like? One year, March 15th! Next year, nearly May! I'm sorry, but this is a rather high-maintenance holiday, and while I love that it gives me a lot more candy options than, say, Labor Day, it should also be a little more consistent, don't you think?
Like Christmas! Everyone knows when Christmas is, EASTER.
(Someone out there is dying to school me in the timing of Easter, I just know it.)
Anyway, I tried to switch weekends but couldn't without shelling out an extra FIVE TIMES THE TICKET PRICE, so, no. That would not be happening. We either go or don't, but we couldn't switch weekends.
So, we've compromised that we'll do a big egg hunt and give Kyle his basket and make cinnamon rolls and mimosas (my Easter traditions of choice) the weekend before and he'll be with his Nana on Easter, so it's not like he'll be locked in a closet unable to celebrate, but the mom guilt. IT'S STRONG.
He's also not yet retaining any memories but knowing my luck "being abandoned on Easter" will be what sticks first.
So, first, tell us we're not horrible parents. (Thanks!) And, second, what should we do in Chicago!? Mike's never been and I've only been for work for a total of 36 hours total.
(Mike's also worried everything will be closed Easter Sunday. I had no idea when it was, so clearly I'm fuzzy on the general retail/resturant industry's policy for closing on Easter. Anyone know if we'll be without food or fun that Sunday?)
We are basically Chicago (and general holiday!) clueless.