Cherie came to town for what felt like five minutes. I had to work (and so did she) so we really only had two nights to hang out. Two nights is not enough nights but we made the best of it. Both nights we walked from my house to my (small) town's Main Street and ate dinner.
This is us walking. You know, in case you couldn't visualize that yourself.
The first night, we had delicious pizza at Brix. The second ... sushi.
I know what you're thinking, "Why yes, small-town Texas is totally known for its delicious sushi!" Or maybe you're not thinking that at all. Hard to tell. Cherie was feeling brave, though, so sushi it was!
We were basically the only ones in the restaurant all night. That was the first sign.
Then, it took an hour to get our food. (Second sign.)
We had a sake bomb while we waited.
(I used to love these in college and having my college friend in town inspired me. I forgot you are supposed to chug them, though, so Cherie and I became the first people in the history of the world to order sake bombs and then sip them for the next half hour. Mom version of sake bombs!)
The third sign was our waiter, our crazy crazy waiter who's shirt read:
Clearly the dress code for this restaurant falls under the headline KLASSY.
So, the food and service was not top-notch.
But the company was.
(We convinced Kristie to tag along with us.)
Cherie's gone again, damn distance and geography. I hope to see her again soon. Until then, I'll go pout for a little while and then remind myself it's just a good thing I have these kinds of friends at all. Even if they live all the way over in TOO-FAR-FROM-ME-VILLE.