Phew, catching up this week has been intense.
Anyway, in case you care what I've been up to around the internet lately, here are some (fine, a lot of) links for you:
- I have a new post over at the North Hills Hospital blog that I write for once a month: When Your Toddler is a Picky Eater. (Also, this is a great post on Picking the Perfect Pediatrician, over at the same site).
- I'm now writing a few travel-related posts for a few different sites that have branched off of I'm enjoying travel writing a lot, mostly beacuse it's a passion of mine that's always felt a little out of place here. (Although, fyi, I have sort of organized some travel and tips into a cool new feature on this site that I've been meaning to tell you about: What To Do In...)
Anyway, my travel posts this week:
Dine at Nine Fine Irishmen on Your Next Vegas Vacation (best meal of my life)
Consider The Standard Hotel When You Visit Miami (candelight yoga!)
Pack Your Hiking Shoes When Traveling to St. John (tips from my four-year-old-but-still-lovely honeymoon!)
Get off the Las Vegas Strip and Explore the Valley of Fire (one of the most beautiful places in/around Vegas, swear it)
A Cupcake Tour of NYC! (My top pick is Butter Lane, but try 'em all, I won't judge)
- Oh, I'm helping Cherie with her company's social media and editorial content from time to time, so would you do me a great, big favor and "like" her company on Facebook and follow @csquaredassc on Twitter (and then hire her to whip up a fantastic blog/site design for you!)
- I really, really, really want this print.
- Where I wax poetic about Google Calendar (that's actually possible, who knew!?)
- I like organized activities, this might not surprise you if you actually had access to my aforementioned Google Calendar, but I do think if you want to see your friends more, you should organize a club. (Book, wine, whatever!)
- Speaking of organizing, I want to throw a block party and asked for advice on how to do just that. So far, since then, I've read the comments a few times and ... that's it. I'm crippled by the law and anxiety.
- I asked for Droid photo apps since I don't have an iPhone and can't use Instagram and this makes me uber-sad.
- Over at Food Lush I asked for you to share the best steak you've ever had, inspired by D Magazine's list of Dallas' 20 Best Steakhouses.
- I made dark chocolate and orange scones and they were DELICIOUS.
- Mike is obssessed with a new burger joint (well, new to us).
- A few weeks ago I had a Baking Party at my house (right before Kyle got a killer fever and puked all over the couch!) and made these AMAZING strawberry and mascarpone-filled cupcakes. You should make them too and then eat four in one sitting so we can be twins.
- What's your favorite dish with saffron?
- I write often enough for my work blog, too, and you should definitely add it to your feed readers, but, more specifically, do you like Friday Night Lights? Because if you do, pleeeeeeeease join us while we live-tweet the final season every Friday night (just follow @smartpopbooks and tune in to Twitter during 8 p.m. EST for the fun). We aren't spoilerific, we promise, and we talk a lot about Tim Riggins and Texas and, that's fun, right? Join us, would you!?
PHEW, that's a lot of links. Round of applause for you for making it to the end!