One of my very favorite things of all time is my Post of the Day feature, the one that collects dust over in my sidebar. Post of the Day is usually more like Post of the Last Six Months. I always swear I'm going to be better and put up posts more often to spotlight talented, awesome writers, but I either read posts on my phone and forget to save the link somehow or I just forget in general.
I really am going to try to be better. I love sharing great internet gems with you, and I love looking back at what I loved years ago and I really love re-reading these posts from time to time and crying or laughing or just being moved all over again.
(Archives here!)
So, a few posts I've flagged lately:
1. Lemon Gloria's "Mind your own uterus"
2. Sweet Juniper's "Nostalgia, another name for Europe"
(Must share this paragraph:
This is what I find most interesting about nostalgia; not just the cunning gloss of hindsight, but the actual act of returning to a place. For all the value of going somewhere you have never been, I also find value in being reminded of who you were once and and how far you've come. Without this type of nostalgia, you can lose perspective on how much you've grown, or changed. Of course places change, always, and yet they don't change it all. And maybe too you've changed less than you think. Your wife still yawns in art museums. You still hold her hand along the Ringstrasse, even if your other one is already taken.)
3. Ramble Ramble's "In My Head, In My Heart"
4. Bird on the Street's "All I Ask"