Thanks to everyone for the nice comments and sweet offers to hunt down those small children to beat them senseless for Kyle. It might not make sense to anyone tuning in late, but that really did mean so much.
Kyle's a sweet kid, but he's not super sensitive (at least, not nearly as sensitive as I am), so when things like The Park Bully Incident of May (what I'm now calling it) happen, he just kind of rolls with it. I try really hard to react similarly because when I do get upset, that's when he gets upset. Do you have any idea how often that child of mine heals me? He inspires me to react better in stressful situations and he can't eve use the toilet yet. Gosh, that's something. (Although it'll really be something when he can do both, am I right?)
This is just a very quick, popping-in-to-say-thanks kind-of post before I collapse in bed after a week of super late nights and emotional trauma on the smalltown playground. Phew, I need a drink! Anyway, there is Water for Elephants on my nightstand and Parks and Rec on my DVR, and even if there are jackass children out there (and jackass parents raising them), there are no jackassess currently in my house, unless you count Molly who got mud all over our couch and didn't offer to help clean it up or even appear to be the slightest bit remorseful.
But, really, thank you.
You're the best Internet Aunties in the world. Kyle would give you each sloppy kisses if you lived close.