Today was a really glorious day, including a fancy brunch with my own mom, a long afternoon nap, flowers and take-out burgers, but Saturday was a really special kind of day, the kind of day I plan to look back on often, especially on Monday commutes or Friday afternoon conference calls (those should be illegal, but they're unfortunately not). It was just a perfect combination of events that lined up to give me such a sweet and memorable day, including Kyle being oh-my-goodness perfect and Mike ditching plans he had for weeks in order to take me out to do something I really wanted to do, go to Mayfest, a local festival.
We forgot the stroller and had to walk what felt like miles to get to the festival gates, and then what felt like miles more around the festival, and it was hot and super crowded, so I assumed we'd regret the entire thing an hour in, but there was no regret. Just sweet memories, a happy toddler holding tightly to my hand and riding happily on his dad's shoulders, and festival ice cream and snacks to top it all off.
Kyle turned to me, as we boarded a little train to ride around the festival toward the end of the day, and said, "Are you excited, Mommy?"
You have no idea, kid. No idea.
(I hope every mother out there had a beautiful weekend, too. Full of whatever it is that makes happiest: naps, mimosas, bad tv, festivals with your family, whatever. If you wanted it, I hope you got it. Because you deserve it. We all do.)