Now that I'm back from my trip way east (NYC) and then way west (Northern California), I can tell you that the Saturday before last, when I dropped my kid off at his Nana's house, I cried the entire drive home and the entire time in Target, picking up last minute travel items, and a little bit on my couch later that night, too.
I just cried and cried.
I knew Kyle was going to be fine. He adores the pants off his dad and grandparents, so it wasn't that I was worried, it was just that I was sad.
I was going to miss him like hell.
And I did.
But if my level of adoration for my boy today is any indication, we should all leave our kids from time to time, even if the crying on one end of the trip is quite a lot of work for one's mascara. I just can't stop kissing him and hugging him and he's so funny! Was he this funny before? And adorable! Was he this adorable before? Who knows, all I know is that OH MY, IT'S GOOD TO BE HOME.
He asked for chocolate milk at 9 pm last night and normally he'd 1) BE ASLEEP BY THEN MY GOD and 2) be totally refused because no child needs chocolate ANYTHING that late at night, but instead I was all OF COURSE BUDDY BOO! Whatever you want! Here, have seconds!
Then, we all piled into his bed (he's now in a twin bed; another post for another day) to read books and in the middle of his second picked-out book, Mike and I got distracted and started talking (because I missed him too, of course), and about a minute into that conversation, Kyle tapped me and said, "Leave mommy. You too, daddy." We looked at him a little puzzled and he said, "I read by myself."
Apparently our reunion was getting in the way of his book on animal babies.
Kittens are serious business.
Tonight, after we got devoured by mosquitoes outside after dinner, I asked if he wanted to color, play cars, yada yada, and he looked at me and said, "I want to go to bed and read books."
Ok then.
Apparently it simply takes me TRAVELING OUT OF STATE to raise the perfect child.
(He's ready to go to the Blathering, he says!)
So, I'm home and it's the best place in the world to be, even though it would seem my husband is many, many good things but a house-cleaner-while-his-wife-leaves-town is not one of them, so I'm still trying to figure out exactly where that smell in the kitchen is coming from.
Still, happy! Suspicious smells and all!