Wow, thank you to each and every one of you for your comments and emails about my crazy idea. I've been thinking a lot more on this and also talking to a lot of smart people and making Google spreadsheets so, yeah, it's early and this could be a 2013-kind-of event, but I still have a good feeling about it. A scary, what-the-hell, am-I-crazy? good feeling, but a good feeling all the same.
I have added all of you who offered up your help to one of those aforementioned spreadsheets, so you'll likely regret your (too kind) offer soon enough, but I shall make it worth your while with ... gratitude? Cupcakes? Champagne? Something, for sure.
There's a semi-famous question I hear often, that goes, if you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do? I'd do a lot, truth be told, and one thing would be to do this, to figure out and fine-tune this cause and then throw a big, fun event to celerbate that cause. Maybe I'll fail anyway, we'll see, but you don't have to be good at everything right? (Oh man, I hope not.) You just have to be willing to find out, I think.
So, tell me, what would you do? If you knew you could do it?