Ginger offered up a pretty fun writing prompt about our typical day. I'm happy to play along. So, you know, here goes...
6:45 am: Kyle is up! I know this because instead of waking up to my alarm (that I set for around 7 am) I wake up to "MOMMY! I WAKE UP! MOMMY! I WANT CHOCOLATE MILK AND MICKEY MOUSE!"
7: I can occassionally get him back to sleep for a half hour or so. I usually can't and we get up and get the following: juice, breakfast, Mickey Mouse, snuggles. (In that order.) (He does not need chocolate milk no matter how many times he tells you he does. FYI.)
7:10: I jump in the shower and Mike gets up to hang out with Kyle.
7:20-45: Get ready.
7:45-8: Kiss the boys (Mike usually takes Kyle to school) and I'm out the door! I cross all my fingers that my usual hour commute isn't made longer by random traffic or an accident or people craning their necks to look at the accident on the other side of the freeway. My crossed fingers work about half the time.
9-11:30: Sit down, check email, start Pandora, check the news and work-related blogs, work work work email email email. Some meetings. Some calls. More email.
11:30: I usually eat lunch at my desk but every so often we go out. My favorite place near my office is Roma's, an Italian joint I wrote about over at Food Lush a while back. There's also a pretty good Indian buffet. Or a Denny's. You know, if that's your thing.
12:30 pm: More of the same.
1:30: A lot of my meetings are in the afternoon, so if I have one, I start prepping for it about now.
3: I NEED CAFFEINE. Either in the form of an iced coffee or Diet Coke.
5: I usually leave, but occasionally I work until 6 pm if Kyle is with Mike (he stays home Mondays) or my mother-in-law (who lives close and is a teacher, so she gets him every now and then).
5-6: Drive home. I usually call Cherie, Natalie, or my sister on my drive. Or, I make any number of to-do type calls. The drive home is always worse than the drive in because I want to get to Kyle pretty ridiculously badly.
6: I get Kyle and every single day I pick him up, he runs to me and yells out "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" The other kids yell, "KYLE'S MOMMY!" Oh, guys. It's the best part of my day, hands down. I chat with his teacher for a minute, let him clean up, and we walk out into the awful, horrible heat and Kyle yells, "GO AWAY SUN!" Then I say, "What do we want?" And he yells back, "WINTER!" Brainwashing is fun.
6:10-6:30: Occasionally I have to swing by the store to get something for dinner or something for Kyle's school. I actually love the grocery store, so it's kind of a fun stop. (I KNOW.) The bank is in the same center, so I combine the two when I can. I just realized my typical day is kind of pathetically lame.
6:30-7: This half hour always varies. Sometimes: Kyle plays, we play together, when it's not so hot outside I openly weep we play outside, I do the dishes (Kyle helps), Kyle watches a movie while I start/make dinner, we collapse on the couch together and vow we'll sleep more (mainly just me on that last part).
7-7:30: Kyle eats and I usually eat with him. I start the "it's getting close to bedtime" warning, so he's not caught off guard. You'd think he'd never be, since it happens every night, but that warning is crucial, oh is it.
7:30-45: Bath (not every night, who am I, a superhero?), pjs, two books (although he'll always try to negotiate for a few more), and snuggles. This is my second favorite part of the day.
7:45-8: Clean up the kitchen, ignore the laundry, change into my work-out clothes, collapse onto the couch again.
8-9: Write, edit for Style Lush and Food Lush, occasional freelance work, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
9:08: Mike pulls into the driveway from work and leaves the car running so I can get to the gym in time to squeeze in a run. Thankfully it's like three blocks away. I have about an hour, and that's plenty of time for now, but when my half-marathon training gets longer and longer, I'll have to do more and more morning runs. (Which means getting up about an hour or two earlier.)
9:45-10: Home and into a quick shower.
10-10:30: Talk to Mike about our days and anything cute Kyle said or did after school, maybe watch something together.
10:30-11:30: More writing/editing if needed. If not, more time with Mike.
11:30-on: I try to go to bed around midnight, but it all depends on what's on my DVR queue and on my to-do list. One last thing I do before heading to bed: sneak into check on Kyle. He's always sleeping. He never stirs even when I kiss him one more time. No matter how much he changes, I always have that moment at the end of the day, and it makes every other moment absolutely, hands-down worth it.
Your turn! What's your typical day like?