Wow, I'm not doing a fabulous job at writing anything other than my training recaps. I'll hit publish on a few drafts soon, swear it. For now, more training!
Monday: 3 mile run
Just didn't do it. I wanted to sit on my couch when I got home, so I did.
Tuesday: 2 mile run
I did this! But have no recollection of it. Good/bad? Who knows!
Wenesday: rest
You know I rock the rest days. This was no exception. I'm sure this rest day included Teen Mom, Awkward, wine, sleep. Etc, etc.
Thursday: 3 mile run
Kristie and I ran this early Thursday morning, and it was my best run to date. I looked down at my phone and realized we had run a little over two miles WITHOUT ME WANTING TO DIE. At that point, running another mile was no big thing. Okay, that's not entirely true. A mile of eating chocolate or blog surfing is no big thing; running a mile is always RUNNING A MILE, but it really wasn't awful. It's like training is, uh, working or something. It was just what I needed.
Friday: rest
I drove ten hours to Santa Fe this day, so I didn't totally rest, but there was no cardio, none at all.
Saturday: 2.5 mile run
It was supposed to be 3 miles, but OH MY NEW MEXICO ELEVATION. I turned to Kristie a half mile into our run and said, "Uh, I'm having a hard time breathing." I stopped and started and finally finished 2.5 miles but it was the worst run of my life. Not physically, in that my legs and hips and such felt okay, but I just couldn't catch my breath at all. Santa Fe is at 7,000 feet above sea level and Fort Worth is at like 50. (Vegas is at 2,000, which is where I'm running my half-marathon, so if you have any tips for altitude training at low altitude, I'd love to hear them!)
Sunday: cross
We hiked Tent Rocks for a couple hours, and I officially love activities that also fill my cross training need, so I'll be looking for more of those to do over the weeks. It was such a great time.
A couple weeks ago, Becky asked: What kind of stretching do you do before and after your runs, and what kind of strength training are you doing on your non-run days?
Great question! I walk for at least five minutes (or a half mile, usually) before every single run, no matter what. I don't know if this actually helps, but two years into running and I'm injury free (so far! quick! knock on some wood!). I also stretch out my calves and ankles after most of my runs beyond 2 miles.
I try to space out my runs, so I'm not running on back-to-back days, but but I don't find this as much of an issue if one of the runs is a short, speed-focused one.
Finally, I think strength training is great for any kind of training/fitness routine, and I usually just lift some free weights at home, but I'd recommend any of Tina's Carrots & Weights exercises, if you're looking for type and variety.
Any other questions, yo?
Phew, there you have it, guys, week five. Refocusing on my question of the day: Any tips for higher altitude training at low altitude? Is it just a speed issue to strengthen your lungs or are there tricks I'm not aware of?