If you're new here (hi!), you should know I'm the biggest fan of age two there ever was and because of my fondness for two, I'm terrrrrrrrified of three. Just terrified.
I was a preschool and day care teacher for a bunch of years, so I have firsthand experience with the batshitness that is three, but I think I really knew the age was going to be scary when a good friend told me she wasn't fond of three and her child (at two) was the sweetest and most well-mannered little boy I think I'd ever met. If THAT boy could fall spell to the evils of three, no child was safe.
Then, yesterday on Twitter, there was more anti-three buzz between my friends and I (not to mention both Emily and A'Dell's posts), so when I got home tonight, I made Kyle promise he'd stay two forever. He said yes so, you know, VERBAL AGREEMENT.
What do you think I can sue him for if he goes back on his word?