Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
This is a bit of a cop-out post because last week was insane and I ultimately worked out very little. Elizabeth came into town on Wednesday afternoon, and we headed south on Thursday for a long weekend of debauchery in Austin for The Blathering. The Blathering is not a half-marathon training get-together, you should know, so my work-outs were basically all sidelined, but I did eat fabulously and drink at least one jalapeno margarita that was so delicious, it deserves a post of its own, but all that makes for a light training recap post.
Tuesday: 3 miles
Kristie and I were going to do a measly 2.5, but we pushed on and did 3. Because we're badasses, that's why. (Or wanted to get home faster, whatevs.)
Saturday: 6 miles
I organized a small run on Saturday morning in Austin, and it ended up being just five of us (Sarah, Julie, Kristie, Katie, and me), and we ran-slash-walked around the North Austin neighborhood we were staying in. It was so humid, and it was kind of ridiculously awful when I decided we could tackle this steeeeeeep hill around mile 3, but it was also kind of wonderful.
I loved running with a small group like this. Sometimes we were all together, sometimes we pulled away at our own paces, but when we reached our front door and Kristie decided to push on the extra .2 miles to make it an even 6, the other four of us just joined suit behind her. Even though so many of us (read: me) were just done. Running is such a magical community, and it continues to remind me of this, over and over.
This whole weekend was incredible in hard-to-describe ways, even though I hope to try and describe it all soon (tomorrow? Friday? I need more hours in the day!), but that Saturday morning run was such a highlight for me.
Thank you, ladies.