The other day, in the car, I asked Kyle who his best friend is because a mom at school had told me that whenever she asks her son the same question, he excitedly says, "Kyle!" I thought it'd be cute to hear him say this boy's name.
"Hey, buds, who's your best, best, best friend?"
"Daddy," he said, very matter-of-factly. He's said daddy every time I've asked since.
That was probably gift enough for Mike since being Kyle's dad is the thing Mike enjoys most, right in front of motorcycle racing and new episodes of Futurama, but today is his birthday so I went ahead and gave him the big pot he had asked for, so he can make mashed potatoes all fall and winter.
(I could make fun of his birthday request, but I'm totally asking for a food processor for mine.)
I think everyone knows by now how much I love Mike. He's smart and funny and very, very kind, and his son thinks he's the greatest guy on the planet and his son is right. But, today is still his birthday, so it's all worth repeating.
As Kyle would say, "It's your happy birthday!" So, babe, live it up, make some mashed potatoes, watch some Futurama, remember how much we love you. Today, tomorrow, every other day too.