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Clever Girls Collective (and Tempur-Pedic) asked me to write about holiday comforts this week, and I have to admit the temptation was strong to just paste a photo of a champagne bottle into this post and call it a day because YES. THAT. VERY COMFORTING. I quickly assumed that wouldn't be that helpful to anyone with eyes or a distaste for sparkling beverages, and there's actually a lot I find comforting about the holidays, turns out, so let's get to it.
Let's also keep it real by circling back to:
1. Champagne. I love my family, I love my in-laws, but there comes a point in every holiday season where you look at the ones you love and sweetly think, "I need a glass of something stronger than water to get through this week without dropkicking you." The holidays encourage you to indulge in that something, and my relationships thank the holidays for that.
2. Traditions. The holidays can be stressful, no-brainer statement right there, but I've recently realized I don't need to participate in every holiday activity ever created in order to enjoy the season. Quite the opposite, actually. I should embrace the traditions that are important to my family and totally ignore or disregard everything else. Here's a link to my Christmas plan, which includes some of the traditions I love, but my favorites: looking at lights as a family, a big breakfast-for-dinner meal on Christmas Eve, and an activity advent calendar with things like snuggle on the couch and watch a holiday movie. (Some things I don't mind skipping: ANYTHING AT THE MALL.)
3. Staying home. There is almost nothing better than looking at the busy holiday weeks on my calendar and not seeing the word FLIGHT NUMBER anywhere. I have family all over the country (and beyond), and I'd love to spend the holiday together each year, but I know the high travel cost and the high travel stress isn't what I need. I give myself a break most years to just stay home and I try to visit family at other times of the year instead, when the flights are reasonable and the other travelers aren't (as) crazy.
4. Christmas pjs. This sort of falls under traditions but every year I pick out a pair of pjs for myself and a pair for Kyle. (Mike's holiday comforts include not having to wear pjs picked out by his nutty wife, and I give him that luxury because I am awesome.) Every year I look forward to Christmas morning, in my comfy pjs, sitting on the couch with coffee and cinnamon rolls and being lazy and warm.
5. A real tree. This isn't as easy to embrace as a fake tree, but it's one of my absolute favorite holiday comforts. A fresh, piney-smelling tree displayed all season long (and into January, if I'm being straight with you) makes me ridiculously happy.
6. A clean house. Forget spring cleaning, I'm hoping Christmas Cleaning catches on. (It's got a better ring to it anyway.) There's nearly nothing more wonderful than spending the month of December, buzzing with the business of the holidays, in a clean house. So, deep clean the beginning of the month and maintain the rest. And enjoy!
What about you? What are your holiday comforts?
Comfort is the perfect gift for everyone on your holiday gift list, so be sure to take advantage of Tempur-Pedic's Buy 2, get 1 free pillow offer! I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective.