Months ago, I set out to find a shirt with the message "Will Run for Champagne" on it. I could find beer, wine, iced coffee, cake, and on and on, but no champagne. Which is nuts. Do you know how delicious champagne is? It should be on all the shirts.
Thankfully, I have talented friends. I asked Cherie if she'd design a shirt for me, and then I asked if we could list it in our Etsy shop, so runners everywhere wouldn't have to settle for inferior booze on their race day shirts ever again.
Will Run for Champagne T-shirt*
If this is the kind of message you can get behind, get yours today. I'll be wearing this shirt for my half-marathon in nearly two weeks. It'll be even more fitting when I reach the finish line and Mike actually greets me with a bottle of champagne.
That's the perk of running your first half-marathon in Vegas, where drinking on the street is not nearly as frowned upon as drinking on the street in suburban Texas.
*There's also a Running to Drink shirt, inspired by my running group. If you like that one, we'll make you a virtual member!